Saturday, August 16, 2008

A Week In Hawaii

I'm sure nobody is interested in the minute details of a week-long vacation in Hawaii, but here are some tips/observations that we picked up from friends, research, and along the way:

- Rent a larger car than you think you need. I reserved a midsize car and got a Toyota Camry . Turned out with all of the luggage and a stop to Costco that we sort of forgot about, it wasn't nearly big enough. Luckily they had a Nissan Murano. After the stop at Costco, we barely had enough room, so be careful. The next step up would have been too large and too expensive.

- Costco is 2 minutes from the Kahului Airport OGG. If you are going with a family, it's really an essential stop. Pick up stuff like water, chips, breakfast foods, plastic silverware, plates, and all of the stuff that are good to keep in the room. Apparently, this is no secret. The place was packed with mainlanders.

- Pick a hotel that is geared towards kids. That's the #1 reason we chose Grand Wailea. Yes, every hotel/resort there has a great pool and easy beach access, but the pool setup there is really something to be seen. The kids' eyes popped out of their heads when they saw that, and it certainly occupied their time (mine too) for a lot of the week.

- Bring cash. Are you saying "duh?" No, I mean bring currency. The place is an endless pit of tipping.

- Everything is expensive. Another "duh" one there. If you have any sort of budget, add 40% and then expect to spend more. It all starts with $8 smoothies at the Swim-up Grotto Bar and goes from there. But hey, you need to just suck some of it up. You're on vacation. The kids learned "bill it to the room" very quickly.

- Get a Casabella. It's sort of a poor-man's Cabana, but it's great because it's reserved for you. Otherwise, you have to battle with everyone else at 7am staking your spot for chairs. A real mess.

- Have an itinerary. We had the week planned out in advance, with days at the pool/beach mixed in with other activities, such as the Maui Ocean Center, a really cool Submarine Tour, and a fun Plantation Tour. Be sure to visit Lahaina ... the kids loved the Stupid Store.

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