Monday, August 4, 2008

Getting to LAX is not fun

As you know, it's not fun. Especially with families. Especially after 9/11. We had a 10am flight on a Friday, and left our house at 6:30. Any earlier and it would have really been pushing it. These days, you can never leave too soon.

This parking site sucks. They said I could get indoor parking at the Westin for $9.95/day, which beat Wally Park's deal, even with AAA. Not so. We got there and the posted price was $19.95. The worst part of the deal is the shuttle makes it's rounds every "20 minutes or so" according to the flunkie there. I'm sorry, but that doesn't cut it. Morale of the story is you're not always getting "a deal" and when you are traveling, especially with kids, it's sometimes better and less stressful to pay more to make things easier. Lesson learned and no harm there. So, off to Wally it was. Shuttles waiting, and the valet option makes it easy to transfer all of the bags from our van. I even arranged for a wash while we're away.

Next up... arriving at LAX and getting to the gate. I'm sure you can hardly wait. Feel free to comment so I know I'm not writing this for myself. :)


Greenie1971 said...

Nice note. Never travel to LAX without Wally Park. Don't forget to tip your driver!

Anonymous said...

I have actually used that site twice - once was very happy with the lot I chose and once wasn't happy (different lot). The good one was the lot at the Marriott. Just down the street from the airport and nice service. The bad one was Johnny Park. Do NOT go there!

Great parking rates through that site! Read the ratings!!